Saturday, December 09, 2006

Why do you call yourselves "Honorable"?

“I would like to say to you all [that] I am completely appalled by your collective gall. You're totally bereft of principle that's why you're without shame,”

-- Renato Constatino, Jr.

Friday, December 08, 2006

I'm back!

It's been three months. My last post was on the birthday of Mother Mary, September 8, and today is the Feast of the Immacualte Conception -- December 8. I needed the hiatus to focus on work in the office as it gets pretty tough at this time of the year every year.

I will finish the Juan Luna Trial by next week, starting with a reconstruction of the proceedings in the French court and the publication of the closing oral argument of Juan Luna's counsel, Mr. Danet.

I am outraged by the proceedings in the House of Representatives. I'll try to blog about those ugly events unfolding in our history as a side blog to the Juan Luna Trial.

Merry Christmas! God is good!