Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Wake up! You are the establishment.

And we, bloggers, are the alternative.

Don't pretend to be us. We won't pretend to be you.

Live. With. It.

1 comment:

Marvin Aceron said...

You have a point. The fact that allows readers to react is a good thing. But that begs the issue. To call something a blog when clearly it's not while paying lip service to the bloggers -- there's the rub. If Talking Points were something like Salon Blogs, then we have no issue. But Talking Pints is not a blog. So should stop calling it a blog or even a quasi-blog. In the same manner, I don't call this site a newspaper or a quasi-newspaper, because it is not. This is a blog. You have a blog yourself (hey, It's cool by the way), you know what I'm talking about. I can't live with lies, especially from my favorite newspaper.