Tuesday, March 26, 2002



The Cuban government has banned the sale of computers and computer accessories to the public, except in cases where the items are "indispensable" and the purchase is authorized by the Ministry of Internal Commerce. Minister of Internal Commerce, Bárbara Castillo of Cuba issued Resolution No. 383/2001 Article 19, Chapter II, Section 3 of which states that:

"The sale of computers, offset printer equipment, mimeographs, photocopiers, and any other mass printing medium, as well as their parts, pieces and accessories, is prohibited to associations, foundations, civic and nonprofit societies, and natural born citizens. In cases where the acquisition of this equipment or parts, pieces and accessories is indispensable, the authorization of the Ministry of Internal Commerce must be solicited."

According to Wired.com, "the rise of independent journalists in Cuba, who published articles on the Internet criticizing the Castro regime, may have something to do with it. The correspondents, who risk jail time for their "subversive" reports, send their stories by fax, e-mail or phone dictation to supporters in Miami." Full text here.

It is quite apparent that Cuba is in a state of paranoia. With the advent of new media, such as the internet and cellular telephones, Fidel Castro and his monolithic party will have their hands full in keeping freedom loving people from expressing their views to the world..Yet, how long can Castro put up with it? Not for long for sure.Not for long.

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